
Woman Dieting

Tips To Keeping Your Body In Shape

Secret To Enjoying Exercise

If you are like most folks, the mere thought of exercising is enough to have your mind make up all sorts of excuses why you should not, could not, and potentially will not exercise. However, there are some secrets and tips to really begin to enjoy exercise to its fullest.

Grab a Buddy

Often times we can view exercise regimens as solitary confinement – like a sentence we have to endure all on our own. Guaranteed you have a pal or co-worker who feels exactly the same way. The old adage that misery loves company would apply in this situation. However, once you get together with a friend to exercise and actually go to the gym or take that power walk or a Zumba class, you will begin to see how much fun it really is and begin to enjoy exercising.

Change your View of Exercising

Only you have the ability to change how you perceive something. Only when you have associated positive thoughts and feelings with exercise will you begin to override the negative connotations with exercising. You will find that excuses such as being tired or not having enough time will be outweighed by feelings of accomplishment such as recognition that you burned 500 calories that night or even the simple fact that you feel energized and were glad you went. 

Focus on the positive results and feelings you get the first time you go to exercise and bring that feeling back up to the forefront of your mind the next time you are heading out to exercise.

Be Creative

Be creative with your exercise routines and regimens. You do not have to think about gigantic machinery that you are unfamiliar with or a gym full of strangers. Find something you love to do and incorporate that into exercise. For some, that is walking briskly and for others it is dancing your heart out. Dance is not only a creative outlet, it is also one that will burn hundreds of calories.

Even if you are not a professional dancer, taking a swing class or a jazz class is only the beginning to discovering one of the secrets to enjoying exercise.

Make a Date with Exercising

If you leave exercising to a chance date or time, you will more than likely set yourself up for failure. Make a specific date and time for exercise, whether you go out to the gym or do it at home. Write in on your calendar, put it on your to do list and commit to it.

After you are done, you will be glad you did.